Книга English Result - Вище середнього - Блок 6 - 6А
Тут ви знайдете лексику з Розділів 6 - 6A в підручнику English Result Upper-Intermediate, наприклад «імунний», «страждати», «епідемія» тощо.
relating to or affecting a large number of people within a community, population, or region
епідемічний, пов'язаний з епідемією
impacted or influenced by something or someone
постраждалий, впливний
a medical emergency that happens when blood flow to the heart is suddenly blocked, which is fatal in some cases
серцевий напад, інфаркт міокарда
affected by a disease-causing agent, such as bacteria, viruses, or parasites
інфікований, заражений
the process of becoming healthy again after an injury or disease
a change in the normal condition of the body of a person, which is the sign of a disease
(of a disease or condition) capable of transmitting from one person, organism, or object to another through direct or indirect contact
інфекційний, заразний
a microscopic agent that causes disease in people, animals, and plants