Книга Insight - Вище середнього - Словниковий запас 7
Тут ви знайдете слова з Vocabulary Insight 7 у підручнику Insight Upper-Intermediate, такі як «відмахнутися», «підліток», «самовпевнений» тощо.
to use a sharp object like scissors or a knife on something to remove a piece from its edge or ends

відрізати, отрізати

to leave quickly, often in order to escape or avoid someone or something

втекти, утекти

to try to talk someone out of something or to advise against it

попереджати, відмовляти

unable to survive, succeed, or stay healthy without someone or something

describing an individual who has lived for a very long time and is not able to do certain activities due to old age
able to take care of oneself without needing help from others

самодостатній, незалежний

deeply knowledgeable and experienced and capable of giving good advice or making good decisions
