Kniha Insight - Vyšší středně pokročilý - Přehled slovní zásoby 7
Zde najdete slova ze slovníku Vocabulary Insight 7 v učebnici Insight Upper-Intermediate, jako je „oprášit“, „dospívající“, „soběstačný“ atd.
used to make an offer or request in a polite manner
chtěl byste, rád byste
to use a sharp object like scissors or a knife on something to remove a piece from its edge or ends
odříznout, ustřihnout
to resist or overcome a temptation, impulse, attack, etc.
odolat, zápasit proti
to leave quickly, often in order to escape or avoid someone or something
utéct, prchnout
to try to talk someone out of something or to advise against it
varovat, nedoporučovat
unable to survive, succeed, or stay healthy without someone or something
závislý, závislá
describing an individual who has lived for a very long time and is not able to do certain activities due to old age
able to take care of oneself without needing help from others
soběstačný, nezávislý
giving encouragement or providing help
podporující, povzbuzující
deeply knowledgeable and experienced and capable of giving good advice or making good decisions
moudrý, rozumný
able to do things as one wants without needing help from others
nezávislý, samostatný
to refuse to change one's opinions, behaviors, habits, etc.
a young person who is in the process of becoming an adult
dospívající, mládež
behaving in a way that is immature or typical of a child
dětinský, dětství
a young person who has not reached adulthood yet
junior, školák
possessing enough skill or knowledge in a certain field or job
zkušený, zkušená
childish in behavior, attitude, or thinking
infantilní, dětský
having the characteristics that are typical of young people
mladistvý, mladý