Реляційні Прикметники - Прикметники мистецтва та літератури
Ці прикметники пов’язані з художніми прийомами, образотворчою естетикою, літературними жанрами, емоційним впливом художніх і літературних творів.
relating to pictures taken with a camera or the process of photography itself

фотографічний, пов'язаний із фотографією

relating to the study or art of constructing or designing a building

архітектурний, архітектурна

involving ideas rather than physical objects or experiences

концептуальний, концептуальна

relating to or involving the graphic arts, such as drawing, design, etc.

графічний, пов'язаний з графічними мистецтвами

having qualities or characteristics similar to those found in movies or cinema

кінематографічний, киношний

designed to look attractive or pretty rather than being functional or serving a particular purpose

орнаментальний, декоративний

using a word, phrase, etc. not for its ordinary meaning, but for the idea or symbol that it represents or suggests

метафоричний, фігуральний

characterized by beauty, elegance, or emotional depth similar to what is often found in poetry

related to literature, especially in terms of its style, structure, or content

relating to or characterized by specific subjects within a work or context

тематичний, стосовний до теми

referring to variations in pitch used to convey meanings or emotions

тональний, інтонаційний

characterized by the use of a small number of ideas or elements

мінімалістичний, скорочений

expressing deep personal emotion or observations, often in a highly poetic or musical manner

ліричний, поетичний

relating to or characteristic of a grand and heroic narrative, typically involving legendary feats and significant challenges

епічний, героїчний

relating to or involving the interpretation or understanding of something, often based on personal analysis or perspective

інтерпретаційний, інтерпретаційна

relating to or characteristic of the works of William Shakespeare

шейкспірівський, шейкспірівська

relating to or based on traditional stories or myths, often lacking historical evidence or historical authenticity

міфологічний, легендарний

focusing on the exact words only, without looking for deeper or implied meanings

літерал, дослівний