ACT ریاضی اور جائزہ - تشخیص اور تنقید
یہاں آپ تشخیص اور تنقید سے متعلق کچھ انگریزی الفاظ سیکھیں گے، جیسے کہ "نااہل"، "ایگریجیئس"، "فاؤل" وغیرہ جو آپ کے ACT کو درست کرنے میں آپ کی مدد کریں گے۔
فلیش کارڈز
to consider all the possible outcomes and different aspects of something before making a definite decision

جانچنا, کھولنا

to calculate or judge the quality, value, significance, or effectiveness of something or someone

تشخیص کرنا, جج کرنا

to review someone or something to see whether one's opinion was correct or not

دوبارہ جانچنا, نیا اندازہ لگانا

to form a judgment on the quality, worth, nature, ability or importance of something, someone, or a situation

تشخیص دینا, اندازہ لگانا

to make someone or something not fit or suitable for a particular position or activity

اہلیت ختم کرنا, ناکام قرار دینا

boring and repetitive, often causing frustration or weariness due to a lack of variety or interest

بہت بورنگ, بے تکان

mistaken or inaccurate due to flaws in reasoning, evidence, or factual support

غلط, غلطی

not able to achieve maximum productivity or desired results with minimum waste of energy, money, or time

غیرموثر, بےکار

lacking in the qualities that make something or someone stand out or appear special, often appearing plain or ordinary

بے رنگ, عام

related to actions, behaviors, or characteristics that are morally questionable or unpleasant

ناپسندیدہ, غیر اخلاقی

very dirty, especially because of being covered with dirt, dust, or harmful substances

گندہ, گندے

of poor quality and unreliable, often characterized by makeshift construction or malfunctioning parts

خراب, غیر معیاری