to consider all the possible outcomes and different aspects of something before making a definite decision

検討する, 考慮する

to calculate or judge the quality, value, significance, or effectiveness of something or someone

評価する, 査定する

to review someone or something to see whether one's opinion was correct or not

再評価する, 見直す

to form a judgment on the quality, worth, nature, ability or importance of something, someone, or a situation

評価する, 査定する

to make someone or something not fit or suitable for a particular position or activity

失格にする, 不適格にする

boring and repetitive, often causing frustration or weariness due to a lack of variety or interest

退屈な, 面倒な

mistaken or inaccurate due to flaws in reasoning, evidence, or factual support

誤った, 間違った

not able to achieve maximum productivity or desired results with minimum waste of energy, money, or time

非効率的, 効果が薄い

lacking in the qualities that make something or someone stand out or appear special, often appearing plain or ordinary

平凡な, 特徴のない

related to actions, behaviors, or characteristics that are morally questionable or unpleasant

不快な, 好ましくない

very dirty, especially because of being covered with dirt, dust, or harmful substances

汚い, 不潔な

of poor quality and unreliable, often characterized by makeshift construction or malfunctioning parts

粗悪な, 不安定な