
Sách English File - Cao cấp - Bài 6B

Tại đây bạn sẽ tìm thấy các từ vựng từ Bài 6B trong giáo trình Tiếng Anh File Advanced, chẳng hạn như "coverage", "stream", "obsess", v.v.


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English File - Advanced

an electronic device used to talk to a person who is at a different location

điện thoại

điện thoại

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scientific knowledge put into practice in a particular area, especially in industry

kỷ thuật học

kỷ thuật học

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the flat panel on a television, computer, etc. on which images and information are displayed



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a group of numbered buttons on a surface used for operating a TV, phone, computer, etc.

bàn phím

bàn phím

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a series of keys on a board or touchscreen that we can press or tap to type on a computer, typewriter, smartphone, etc.

máy đánh chữ

máy đánh chữ

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a secret group of letters or numbers that allows access to a computer system or service

khẩu hiệu

khẩu hiệu

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a specific group of letters, numbers, etc. that one needs to enter in order to access a computer or smartphone

mật mã

mật mã

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a connection point or interface that allows the flow of electricity between two components or devices

đụng chạm

đụng chạm

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the context in which something occurs or is situated

sự dàn cảnh

sự dàn cảnh

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a system of Internet connection that allows users to share information simultaneously

Internet băng thông rộng

Internet băng thông rộng

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the technology that allows computers, cell phones, etc. to access the Internet or exchange data wirelessly



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to update

to make something more useful or modern by adding the most recent information to it, improving its faults, or making new features available for it

cập nhật cái gì đó

cập nhật cái gì đó

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a window that appears suddenly on top of the current screen, often used to display advertising or notifications

cửa sổ bật lên

cửa sổ bật lên

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the extent or degree to which something is covered or included

bao gồm các tuổi

bao gồm các tuổi

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a series of electrical or radio waves carrying data to a radio, television station, or mobile phone

[Danh từ]
to download

to add data to a computer from the Internet or another computer

tải về một cái gì đó

tải về một cái gì đó

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to stream

to play audio or video material from the Internet without needing to download the whole file on one's device

xem trực tuyến

xem trực tuyến

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to scroll

to move what is being displayed on a computer or smartphone screen up or down to see different parts of it

cuộn lên hoặc xuống

cuộn lên hoặc xuống

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to swipe

to hit or strike something with a sweeping motion

ăn cắp

ăn cắp

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to hang up

to end a phone call by breaking the connection

treo cổ ai đó

treo cổ ai đó

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to top up

to add credit or money to a prepaid phone account to enable continued use of its services

đẻ chó con

đẻ chó con

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to put through

to connect a caller to the person to whom they want to speak

kết nối qua điện thoại

kết nối qua điện thoại

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to get through to

to successfully communicate a message or idea to someone in a way that they understand or accept it

được thông qua để

được thông qua để

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to switch off

to make something stop working usually by flipping a switch

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to unplug

to disconnect an electronic device from an electricity source

rút nút

rút nút

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to obsess

to think about something or someone all the time, in a way that makes one unable to think about other things

liên tục suy nghĩ về điều gì đó

liên tục suy nghĩ về điều gì đó

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physically or mentally dependent on a substance, behavior, or activity



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addicted to something, particularly to narcotic drugs



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feeling very angry, irritated, or displeased

cực kỳ tức giận

cực kỳ tức giận

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determined by or needing something else

sự phụ thuộc

sự phụ thuộc

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fed up

feeling tired, annoyed, or frustrated with a situation or person



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mentally or emotionally disturbed or unhealthy

đau ốm

đau ốm

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realizing or knowing a fact or situation

có kiến ​​thức

có kiến ​​thức

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having the ability to learn or understand quickly

sắc sảo

sắc sảo

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not appropriate or fitting for a particular purpose or situation

không hợp

không hợp

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doubtful about the honesty of what someone has done and having no trust in them

khả nghi

khả nghi

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not pleased or happy with something, because it is not as good as one expected

không vui

không vui

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familiar with something, often through repeated experience or exposure



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physically connected or joined to something

đính kèm

đính kèm

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a display by which the user can interact with a computer, smartphone, etc. by touching its surface

màn hình cảm ứng

màn hình cảm ứng

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