
Sách Solutions - Trung cấp - Tổ 4 - 4A

Tại đây, bạn sẽ tìm thấy các từ vựng từ Unit 4 - 4A trong giáo trình Solutions Middle, chẳng hạn như "conservatory", "ngôi nhà", "hàng rào", v.v.


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Solutions - Intermediate

an area or room directly under the roof of a house, typically used for storage or as an additional living area

từng sát mái nhà

từng sát mái nhà

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an area or room in a house or building that is partially or completely below the ground level

từng nhà dưới đất

từng nhà dưới đất

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an underground storage space or room, typically found in a building, used for storing food, wine, or other items that require a cool and dark environment

rượu cất dưới hầm

rượu cất dưới hầm

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a room with a roof and walls made of glass, often affixed to one side of a building, used for relaxing or growing plants in

nhà kiến để trồng cây

nhà kiến để trồng cây

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a short road or path leading from a street to a building

có nghị lực

có nghị lực

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an extra telephone connected to the main phone line in a house

đường dây điện thoại nội bộ

đường dây điện thoại nội bộ

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a structure like a wall, made of wire, wood, etc. that is placed around an area or a piece of land

đánh kiếm

đánh kiếm

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a building, usually next or attached to a house, in which cars or other vehicles are kept

chỗ sửa xe

chỗ sửa xe

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the part of a fence or wall outside a building that we can open and close to enter or leave a place



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a passage that is inside a house or building with rooms on both side

hành lang

hành lang

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a row of closely-planted bushes or small trees that form a boundary, particularly on the edge of a garden, road, or field

hàng rào

hàng rào

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an area located between two sets of stairs or at the top of a staircase

cho hành khách xuống

cho hành khách xuống

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an area of grass, typically in a yard or garden, that is cut and maintained at a short length

bải cỏ

bải cỏ

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a way or track that is built or made by people walking over the same ground

đường công danh

đường công danh

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an outdoor area with paved floor belonging to a house used for sitting, relaxing or eating in

sân trống ở trong nhà

sân trống ở trong nhà

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an area containing still water that is comparatively smaller than a lake, particularly one that is made artificially



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a structure with a roof and no walls at the entrance of a house



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one of a pair of exterior wooden or metal covers of a window that can be closed for preventing light from coming in or protecting the house against thieves or other threats

đóng cửa hàng

đóng cửa hàng

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sliding door

a door that moves horizontally along a track

cửa trượt

cửa trượt

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a series of steps connecting two floors of a building, particularly built inside a building

cấp thang

cấp thang

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swimming pool

a specially designed structure that holds water for people to swim in

bể bơi

bể bơi

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each of the different parts of a building that are divided by their own floors, ceilings, and walls, and are used for a specific reason



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in a highly attractive manner

đẹp đẽ

đẹp đẽ

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[Trạng từ]
to restore

to repair a work of art, building, etc. so that it is in a good condition again

hoàn lại

hoàn lại

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[Động từ]

attractive in a delightful way, often evoking admiration

quyến rũ

quyến rũ

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[Tính từ]

having a modern or current style or design

đồng thời

đồng thời

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[Tính từ]

in a way that is easy, comfortable, or suitable for a particular purpose or situation

thuận tiện

thuận tiện

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[Trạng từ]

positioned in a particular place

xác định vị trí

xác định vị trí

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(of a room, house, etc.) lacking enough space

chật chội

chật chội

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(of a building, vehicle, furniture, etc.) old and in a poor condition

đổ nát

đổ nát

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causing admiration because of size, skill, importance, etc.

đáng ngưỡng mộ

đáng ngưỡng mộ

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free from conflict, violence, or disorder

hoà bình

hoà bình

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a class or group of people or things that have common characteristics or share particular qualities



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the place that we live in, usually with our family

quê hương

quê hương

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a one-story construction without stairs, usually with a low roof

biệt thự có hàng ba

biệt thự có hàng ba

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detached house

a single-family house that is not connected to any other house, usually with its own yard or garden

nhà ở riêng lẻ

nhà ở riêng lẻ

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a house near a farm in which a farmer lives

chủ trại

chủ trại

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a place with a few rooms in which people live, normally part of a building with other such places on each floor

chổ đất thấp

chổ đất thấp

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a boat designed for living in

thuyền sửa lại để ở

thuyền sửa lại để ở

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a very large and impressive house

biệt thự

biệt thự

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mobile home

a type of housing that is designed to be transported to a specific location and can be moved again if needed

nhà di động

nhà di động

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semi-detached house

a type of residential house that is joined to another house by a shared wall

nhà liền kề

nhà liền kề

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terraced house

a type of residential house that is attached to one or more other houses in a row, with shared walls and a similar architectural design

nhà bậc thang

nhà bậc thang

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(of a house or building) having a roof made of dried straw, leaves etc.

lợp mái tranh

lợp mái tranh

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[Tính từ]

a small house, particularly one that is situated in the countryside or a village

nhà ở vùng quê

nhà ở vùng quê

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a country house that has a large garden, particularly the one located in southern Europe or warm regions

nhà ở ngoại ô

nhà ở ngoại ô

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any of the pieces making a whole, when combined

bộ phận

bộ phận

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a building where people live, especially as a family

căn nhà

căn nhà

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a piece of land where flowers, trees, and other plants are grown

công viên

công viên

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receiving a lot of love and attention from many people

phổ biến

phổ biến

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(of a place or atmosphere) full of excitement and energy

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a particular part or region of a city, country, or the world



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far away in space or distant in position



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(of a room, house, etc.) large with a lot of space inside

rộng rãi

rộng rãi

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Significant in amount or degree

đáng kể

đáng kể

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extremely small

nhỏ xíu

nhỏ xíu

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flower bed

an area of ground planted with flowers or plants, often arranged in a decorative or artistic pattern

giường bông

giường bông

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(of a place) relaxing and comfortable, particularly because of the warmth or small size of the place

ấm áp

ấm áp

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