
Sách English Result - Cơ bản - Đơn vị 10 - 10D

Tại đây bạn sẽ tìm thấy các từ vựng từ Unit 10 - 10D trong giáo trình Tiếng Anh Sơ cấp, chẳng hạn như “đại học”, “bằng tốt nghiệp”, “hóa học”, v.v.


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Bắt đầu học
English Result - Elementary

the process that involves teaching and learning, particularly at a school, university, or college

học nghiệp

học nghiệp

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an official document that states one has successfully passed an exam or completed a course of study

bằng cấp học thuật

bằng cấp học thuật

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the branch of science that is concerned with studying the structure of substances and the way that they change or combine with each other

hóa chất

hóa chất

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the certificate that is given to university or college students upon successful completion of their course

văn thư

văn thư

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a certificate given to someone who has completed a course of study

bằng ban khen

bằng ban khen

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high school

a school for young people between the ages of 14 and 18; a secondary school typically including grades 9 through 12

trung học đệ nhất cấp

trung học đệ nhất cấp

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the study of past events, especially as a subject in school or university

[Danh từ]

written works that are valued as works of art, such as novels, plays and poems

văn chương

văn chương

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primary school

the school for young children, usually between the age of 5 to 11 in the UK

trường sơ đẳng tiểu học

trường sơ đẳng tiểu học

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secondary school

the school for young people, usually between the ages of 11 to 16 or 18 in the UK

Trường cấp hai

Trường cấp hai

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an educational institution at the highest level, where we can study for a degree or do research

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