
Kỹ Năng Từ Vựng SAT 3 - Bài học 28


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SAT Word Skills 3

not expected, normally inconvenient or unpleasant

không may

không may

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unable to be described or explained

không thể thốt nên lời

không thể thốt nên lời

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done without any intention

vô tình

vô tình

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uncommon or not customary

bất thường

bất thường

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a light, usually in the shape of a circle, around the body or head of a sacred person

quầng ở quanh mặt trăng

quầng ở quanh mặt trăng

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a natural light display in the Earth's polar regions, caused by the collision of charged particles from the sun with atoms in the Earth's atmosphere

bình minh

bình minh

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related to the time that the first light shows up in the morning sky

cực quang

cực quang

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to denominate

to give a name to something

chỉ tên

chỉ tên

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a specific name for someone or something that belongs only to them

giáo phái

giáo phái

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the number below the line in a fraction that shows how many parts the numerator divides into

mẫu số

mẫu số

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the act of claiming to own a set of qualities or beliefs which one does not really have

gỉa nhân nghĩa

gỉa nhân nghĩa

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someone who pretends to have virtues or beliefs they do not practice, often contradicting their own stated values or engaging in deceptive behavior

đạo đức giả

đạo đức giả

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acting in a way that is different from what one claims to believe or value

người đạo đức giả

người đạo đức giả

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true in a way that leaves no room for denial or disagreement

không thể chối cãi

không thể chối cãi

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(of a person or behavior) unable to be corrected or changed for better

không thể sửa chữa được

không thể sửa chữa được

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the condition of being unable or unwilling to believe something

nghi ngờ

nghi ngờ

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lacking the ability or desire to believe in something

không tin

không tin

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to misconstrue

to interpret or understand something incorrectly

hiểu sai

hiểu sai

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to miscount

to make an error while counting something

tính sai

tính sai

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someone who behaves badly or does something wrong or illegal

người hèn hạ

người hèn hạ

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