
Các Động Từ Cụm Sử Dụng 'Together', 'Against', 'Apart', & các từ khác - Thực hiện một hành động hoặc trải nghiệm (Trước & Dưới)


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Phrasal Verbs With 'Together', 'Against', 'Apart', & others
to get ahead

to make progress and succeed in one's career or life

Đang tiến bộ

Đang tiến bộ

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[Động từ]
to go ahead

to initiate an action or task, particularly when someone has granted permission or in spite of doubts or opposition

bắt đầu làm điều gì đó

bắt đầu làm điều gì đó

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[Động từ]
to lie ahead

to be planned or expected to happen in the future

[Động từ]
to look ahead

to think about the things that could happen in the future

[Động từ]
to pull ahead

to have some kind of advantage over one's opponent in terms of points, especially in competitions or races

giỏi hơn

giỏi hơn

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[Động từ]
to think ahead

to carefully consider or make plans for what might happen in the future

[Động từ]
to bubble under

to have a high chance of becoming successful or popular

[Động từ]
to come under

to be classified or categorized as part of a particular group or subject

[Động từ]
to fall under

to be categorized or classified within a particular group, type, or jurisdiction

[Động từ]
to go under

to descend or sink beneath the surface of a liquid

[Động từ]
to knuckle under

to submit to someone or something's authority

[Động từ]
to snow under

to overwhelm someone or something with an excessive amount of work, tasks, requests, or messages, often causing a feeling of being stressed

[Động từ]
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