to quickly open and close one eye as a sign of affection or to indicate something is a secret or a joke

眨眼, 眨眼睛

to make a quick and involuntary movement in response to a surprise, pain, or fear

退缩, 畏缩

to gently touch or stroke with the hand, usually as a gesture of affection or reassurance

轻拍, 抚摸

to greet someone with a gesture or expression, often indicating respect or friendliness

打招呼, 致敬

to slightly hit someone's fist with one's own as an act of celebration, greeting, or agreement

击拳, 碰拳

to twist our face in an ugly way because of pain, strong dislike, etc., or when trying to be funny

做鬼脸, 扭曲面孔

to gesture with a motion of the hand or head to encourage someone to come nearer or follow

招手, 呼唤

to lift a glass filled with a beverage, often as a gesture of celebration, honor, or well-wishing
to convey meaning or emphasize ideas through physical gestures or movements

做手势, 用手势表达

to alter one's facial expression in response to someone or something, often to convey emotions such as dislike, disgust, or mockery