'Front' is another common word in the English language. In this lesson, we're gonna talk about it.

How To Use "Front" in English

'Front' is commonly used among native speakers. It can function as a noun, an adjective, and a verb. In this lesson, we will discuss how to learn and use it.

Functions of 'Front'

'Front' as an Adjective

As stated above, one of the main functions of 'front' is to be an adjective. Let us see the kind of adjective it is, below:


'Front' as an Attributive Adjective

When 'front' is an adjective, it only comes before nouns and modifies them which makes it an attributive adjective. When something is on the forward side of another, we use 'front' to refer to it. Let us examine some examples below:

The Queen and her guards were led to the front building.

Here, it is indicating the first building in a specific place.

Don't you wanna do something about your front teeth?

Position in a Sentence

Since 'front' is an attributive adjective, it mainly comes before nouns to modify them. Check out the following examples:

You stepped on my dog's front leg madam.

There must not be that much written on the front page.

'Front' as a Noun


Another function of 'front' is to be a noun. Below, we are going to analyze its different meanings in this category:

  • When we want to talk about the forward part of something/someone, we use 'front':

I hate how this bag looks on the front.

There is dirt down the front of your blouse.

  • When we want to show the direction ahead of someone/something, we use 'front':

Just walk to the front and say what you want.

He uncovered my eyes and told me to stay facing the front.

  • When we want to refer to the battlefield in a war, we use 'front':

Many people are killed on the fronts in war while politicians sit in the back making load of money.

The soldier who was supposed to serve at the front is missing.

  • When we want to show the edge of a lake, river, etc. we use 'front':

The killer and his friend ambled along the front of Lake Michigan.

If my house was near the sea, I would ride my bike along the front every night.

  • When we want to talk about someone's chest, we use 'front':

How come you didn't spill something on your front this time!

Careful not to overturn the cups on your front, guys.

  • When we want to hide our true feelings and put a mask in front of the others, we use 'front' to talk about it:

I was deeply hurt at the time, but I managed to put a front and hid it.

My therapist doesn't recommend putting on a front to impress others.

  • When we want to refer to one side of a building, we use 'front':

The entrance is at the north front of the church.

Just walk to the east front of the literature faculty, sir.

  • When talking about different parts of an activity, we use 'front':

Unfortunately, there has been some errors in several the social fronts.

  • When a particular company, etc. is conducting illegal actions secretly, we use 'front':

This organization is just a front for smuggling.

Position in a Sentence

Since 'front' is a noun here, it can be the subject, the object, or the object of a preposition. Look at the following examples fore more clarification:

I went to the front of the stage and started singing my favorite song.

Here, 'front' is the object of a preposition.

The front of the book seems weird to me.

As you can see, 'front' is the subject here.

'Front' as a Verb


Interestingly, 'front' can also be a verb, too. Below, we are going to analyze its different meanings. Look:

  • When we want to show that something/someone is facing another, we use 'front' as a verb:

The musicians sat fronting the audience.

The literature faculty fronts the main building in the campus.

  • When someone represents a particular group, organization, etc.:

In this concert, Johnny Depp fronted the band.

My teacher fronts a progressive metal band.

  • When someone is the announcer in a particular TV program, we use 'front' to refer to it:

This man is also fronting an interesting TV show about legends around the world.

Position in a Sentence

The main verb usually follows the subject. So, when 'front' is the main verb, it comes after the subject. Look at the following examples for more clarification:

Hailey fronted the nutrition company.

Our vocal teacher used to front a rock band back in the 1990s.

Idioms and Expressions with 'Front'

We have some idioms and expressions with 'front' that are common among native English speakers. Below, we are going to learn all about them:

  • In front of: When something/someone is farther forward than something else. We also use this to refer to do or not do something in the presence of some poeple:

The killer stood right in front me, smirking.

Here, 'in front of' is showing the position of someone.

I warned them not to behave inappropriately in front of their aunts and uncles.

As you can see, 'in front of' is indicating the presence of others.

  • Front and center: When something is foremost and important among others:

The missing girl's case has become front and center around the world.

  • Out front: When talking about the public place of places like theaters, restaurants, cafes, etc. we use this one:

I'd rather be out front and wait tables than cook in such a small and dark place.

Tonight, we'll be out front performing 'Alice in Wonderland'.

  • In front of someone's very eyes: When something happens in the presence of some people:

If I see you being rude in front of the children's very eyes, you will not see the sun tomorrow.

She kissed him in front of my very eyes.

  • On the front burner: When something/someone needs immediate attention, we use this:

Sorry to interrupt your speech, but the baby is on the front burner.

The economical situation in our country is on the front burner nowadays.

  • Shut the front door: When we are extremely shocked by something/someone, we use this one:

A : They got divorced.

B : Shut the front door!

  • Be in the front line: When you are most criticized and attacked in a community:

Unfortunately, he has always been in the front line ever since childhood.

Women has been in the front line when something goes wrong in the country.


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