You've probably wondered about these two confusing words, haven't you? Well, in this lesson, we're going to learn all about the little details between them.

"Character" vs. "Personality" in English

What Is Their Main Difference?

'Character' and 'personality' are both used to describe someone's identity and unique traits. However, 'character' shows someone's personal values like 'honesty', 'humbleness', 'righteousness', but 'personality' is how we see each person. 'Lazy', 'arrogant', 'emotional', 'calm', etc. are different personality types.


As stated above, 'character' and 'personality' refer to someone's identity and unique personality traits. 'Personality' refers to how we see people from the outside. In other words, people's personalities reflect their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. We use adjectives like 'sad', 'motivated', 'calm', 'clever' and etc. to describe that person. Look at the following examples:

She looks smart and that is the kind of personality I'm drawn to in women.

Take this personality test to find out whether you're logical, or emotional, gentle, or sinister, meek, or sassy.

'Character' refers to someone's beliefs and personal values. In other words, what people consider right and wrong differs individually. So, someone might have the belief that we must always treat other people with respect, whereas another person might believe that being rude to people is normal. Look below:

Denial is not in her character.

Here, you can understand how 'character' also shows someone's true nature.

However hard she tries, she will never be able to lie as much as I did because honesty is part of her character.


As stated above, 'character' and 'personality' refer to someone's persona. Look:

It's impossible to think that someone can have several personalities.

Kindness was never in her character.

Are They Interchangeable?

As mentioned above, despite the fact that both 'character' and 'responsibility' refer to someone's persona, they cannot be used interchangeably. Look below:

✓ I once interviewed with a highly intelligent and funny woman that I was drawn to her personality in a instant.

X I once interviewed with a highly intelligent and funny woman that I was drawn to her chararter in a instant.

As you can see, the second sentence does not make sense.


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