How to Pronounce the /ɒ/ Sound

This time, we're gonna see what we can learn about the /ɒ/ sound. Are you ready? I know it looks a bit weird but I'm sure you'll learn it real quick.

How to Pronounce the /ɒ/ Sound

In this lesson, we are going to learn how the sound /ɒ/ is produced by looking at the articulatory organs.

What Type of Sound Is /ɒ/?

/ɒ/ is the rounded form of /ɑ/ and it is mainly used in the British dialect.

How to Produce /ɒ/?

how to pronounce /ɒ/

To produce it, drop the jaw just a little and round the lips, unlike the unrounded /ɑ/ sound. Push your lips together and make a short, voiced sound. As you can see in the picture, the mouth is slightly more open than the /æ/ sound and less rounded than when producing the /ɔ/ sound.

/ɒ/ is mainly seen in such letters:

on /ɒn/

from /frɒm/

problem /ˈprɒb.ləm/

what /wɒt/

watch /wɒtʃ/

because /bɪˈkɒz/

restaurant /ˈres.tər.ɒnt/


Let's listen to the pronunciation of the /ɒ/ sound which has been mentioned below:

Down below, there are two other sounds similar to the /ɒ/ sound. At first, listen to the /æ/ sound and then listen to the /ɔ/ sound:


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