This time, we've decided to tell you all bout the differences and similarities between 'hiking' and 'trekking'. Do you wanna learn more? C'mon.

"Hiking" vs. "Trekking" in English

What Is Their Main Difference?

Both refer to a kind of activity in which people spend hours walking in nature and enjoying their time. However, 'hiking' usually indicates walking on marked trails and it is easier and shorter than 'trekking'. 'trekking is mainly being to places that no one has ever been to.


As mentioned above, 'hiking' usually takes about one to two days and hikers walk on marked trails in mountains, in the country, etc. Their main purpose is to enjoy nature and have fun. However, 'trekking' is much ore difficult. It takes more days and one has to be fully equipped when trekking. They do not choose marked trails, they mainly go to places that very few people have been to. Look at the following examples:

If you wanna go trekking, I suggest you read this brochure first.

The thing about hiking is that you don't need to pack that much stuff, you know.


As I stated above, both are activities in which people go on walking in nature mainly in forests, mountains, in the country, etc. Check out the examples below:

Would you rather go trekking or hiking?

But Hannah told me she'd go hiking with her friends this weekend.

Are They Interchangeable?

In spite of their similarities, they are not used interchangeably because 'trekking' is much more difficult than 'hiking'. Both examples below are correct, but they have different meanings. Compare:

✓ Not many people can go trekking, I believe.

✓ Not many people can go hiking, I believe.


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