Remember vs. Remind
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What Is Their Main Difference?
They both mean recalling to do something. They are both opposites of 'forgetting to do something'. However, 'remember' refers to keeping something in mind, whereas, 'remind' refers to telling someone not to forget what they wanted to do.
As stated above, 'remember' refers to recalling something from the past. It can be a memory, an important note, etc. Look at the following examples:
Now I
'Remind', on the other hand, refers to telling someone not to forget doing something important to them. Check out the examples below:
Mom, can you
I always have to
As mentioned above, both refer to keeping something in mind. Take a look at the examples below:
Elisa, do you
I asked her to
Are They Interchangeable?
Although they both indicate keeping something in mind, they can never be sed interchangeably because 'remind' is about telling someone not to forget doing something, whereas, 'remember is about recalling an image, an important point, a memory, etc. Compare:
✓ How can you not
X How can you not
As you can see, this one is wrong.