
كتاب Solutions - ما قبل المتوسط - الوحدة 1 - 1H

ستجد هنا مفردات الوحدة 1 - 1H في كتاب حلول المستوى ما قبل المتوسط، مثل "امتلك"، و"طفولي"، و"يمكن التنبؤ به"، وما إلى ذلك.




بطاقات الفلاش




اختبار قصير

ابدأ التعلم
Solutions - Pre-Intermediate
to own up

to confess and take responsibility for one's mistakes

يعترف, يتحمل المسؤولية

يعترف, يتحمل المسؤولية

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to look

to turn our eyes toward a person or thing that we want to see

ينظر إلى, يتطلع إلى

ينظر إلى, يتطلع إلى

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to get over

to recover from an unpleasant or unhappy experience, particularly an illness

يتعافى من, يتجاوز

يتعافى من, يتجاوز

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to carry on

to choose to continue an ongoing activity

واصل, استمر

واصل, استمر

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to find out

to get information about something after actively trying to do so

اكتشاف, معرفة

اكتشاف, معرفة

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to come back

to return to a previous state or condition, often after a period of decline or loss

يعود, يستعيد

يعود, يستعيد

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to recover

to regain complete health after a period of sickness or injury

يتعافى, ت recuperate

يتعافى, ت recuperate

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to get away

to escape from someone or somewhere

يهرب, يفلت

يهرب, يفلت

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to give back

to return something that was previously received from a specific person or thing, such as money

إعادة, تسليم

إعادة, تسليم

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to look up to

to have a great deal of respect, admiration, or esteem for someone

يحترم, يُعجب

يحترم, يُعجب

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to make up

to create a false or fictional story or information

اختلق, ابتكر

اختلق, ابتكر

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to put up with

to tolerate something or someone unpleasant, often without complaining

يتحمل, يتسامح مع

يتحمل, يتسامح مع

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to discover

to be the first person who finds something or someplace that others did not know about

اكتشف, وجد

اكتشف, وجد

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to examine

to analyze someone or something in detail

فحص, تحليل

فحص, تحليل

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to confess

to admit, especially to the police or legal authorities, that one has committed a crime or has done something wrong

يُعترف بـ, يعترف

يُعترف بـ, يعترف

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to run after

to follow someone or something in an attempt to catch them

يجري وراء, يلاحق

يجري وراء, يلاحق

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to talk

to tell someone about the feelings or ideas that we have

يتحدث, يتكلم

يتحدث, يتكلم

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to play a trick on somebody

to playfully deceive or fool someone

to put

to move something or someone from one place or position to another

وضع, أدخل

وضع, أدخل

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to scare

to suddenly make a person or animal to feel afraid

يخيف, يروع

يخيف, يروع

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behaving in a way that is immature or typical of a child

طفولي, ساذج

طفولي, ساذج

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able to think quickly and find solutions to problems

ذكي, ماهر

ذكي, ماهر

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having a desire to physically or mentally harm someone

قاسي, عنيف

قاسي, عنيف

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with a lot of care or attention

بحرص, بعناية

بحرص, بعناية

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able to make people laugh

مضحك, طريف

مضحك, طريف

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easily anticipated or expected to happen based on past experiences or knowledge

قابل للتنبؤ, متوقع

قابل للتنبؤ, متوقع

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feeling entertained or finding something funny or enjoyable

مُسلٍ, مُضحك

مُسلٍ, مُضحك

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feeling very annoyed or upset because of something that we do not like

غاضب, مستاء

غاضب, مستاء

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feeling nervous or worried because of thinking something unpleasant might happen

قلق, مضطرب

قلق, مضطرب

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feeling scared or anxious

خائف, مرعوب

خائف, مرعوب

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responsible for an illegal act or wrongdoing

مذنب, مُدان

مذنب, مُدان

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feeling happy and satisfied with something that has happened or with someone's actions

مُسْتَحسَن, مَرْضِيّ

مُسْتَحسَن, مَرْضِيّ

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designed to resemble the real thing but lacking authenticity

مزيف, مقلد

مزيف, مقلد

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a room that has a toilet and a sink, and often times a bathtub or a shower as well

حمام, مرحاض

حمام, مرحاض

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a small creature that spins webs to catch insects for food, with eight legs and two fangs by which poison is injected to its prey



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