كتاب Total English - متقدم - الوحدة 10 - المفردات
ستجد هنا الكلمات من الوحدة 10 - المفردات في كتاب دورة اللغة الإنجليزية المتقدمة، مثل "clam up"، و"soldier on"، و"lounge about"، وما إلى ذلك.
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
stressful or anxious due to having too many tasks or responsibilities to handle within a limited time
to experience financial failure or bankruptcy, often leading to the end or termination of a business or company

تعلن الإفلاس, تدخل في أزمة مالية

to decide the winner of a contest or competition by holding a second or subsequent round of voting or competition between the top candidates or teams

إجراء جولة إضافية, تنظيم جولة ثانية

to spend time relaxing or being idle, often in a comfortable and unhurried manner

يتسكع, يسترخي

to consume the entire contents of a glass, bottle, or other container that holds a beverage

اشربوا بالكامل, افرغوا

to close or secure something in a place where it cannot be removed or accessed without the appropriate authorization, key, or combination

إغلاق, تأمين

to suddenly become silent or refuse to talk, often because of nervousness, fear, or a desire to keep information secret

يسكت, يحتفظ بالصمت

to continue moving forward despite obstacles, challenges, or difficulties

المضي قدمًا, الصمود

to operate a vehicle aimlessly or without a specific destination in mind

يبحث عن مكان, يقود بدون وجهة

to spend time in a place, often without a specific purpose or activity

يتسكع, يستغرق الوقت