
الأوضاع والحالات - التوازن والاعتدال

استكشف الأمثال الإنجليزية المتعلقة بالتوازن والاعتدال، بما في ذلك "هناك قياس في كل شيء" و"أن تأتي متأخرًا خير من ألا تأتي أبدًا".




بطاقات الفلاش


اختبار قصير

ابدأ التعلم
Situations & States
a little nonsense now and then, is cherished by the wisest men

used to imply that taking a break from serious matters to enjoy some playfulness can be beneficial and even wise

القليل من الهراء بين الحين والآخر، يعتز به أحكم الرجال

القليل من الهراء بين الحين والآخر، يعتز به أحكم الرجال

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a little of what you fancy does you good

used to suggest that indulging in small amounts of something enjoyable or desired can have positive effects on one's well-being, emphasizing the value of moderation

قليل مما تهواه ينفعك

قليل مما تهواه ينفعك

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better a little fire to warm us than a great one to burn us

used to imply that it is better to have a modest or moderate amount of something than to have too much of it, which may lead to negative consequences or harm

نار صغيرة لتدفئتنا خير من نار كبيرة لتحرقنا

نار صغيرة لتدفئتنا خير من نار كبيرة لتحرقنا

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better late than never

used to mean that it is better to take action or complete a task, even if it is delayed, rather than not doing it at all

أن تأتي متأخرا أفضل من ألا تأتي أبدا

أن تأتي متأخرا أفضل من ألا تأتي أبدا

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eat at pleasure, drink with measure

used to advise that it is acceptable to indulge in eating to one's satisfaction, but it is important to control alcohol intake to avoid harmful effects on one's health

أكل في المتعة، وشرب في التدبير

أكل في المتعة، وشرب في التدبير

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enough is as good as a feast

used to suggest that having just enough of something is preferable to having too much of it, emphasizing the value of moderation and contentment over excess

يكفي هو جيد مثل وليمة

يكفي هو جيد مثل وليمة

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the half is better than the whole

used to suggest that having a smaller portion of something can be more beneficial or valuable and less overwhelming or burdensome than having the entire thing

النصف أفضل من الكل

النصف أفضل من الكل

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honey in excess is no longer sweet

used to imply that even the most pleasurable or enjoyable things can lose their appeal if they are overindulged in or taken to extremes

العسل الزائد لم يعد حلوًا

العسل الزائد لم يعد حلوًا

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it is part of a good shepherd to shear his flock, not (to) skin it

used to emphasize that a good leader takes care of those they are responsible for, by taking only what is necessary and not exploiting or harming them

keep no more cats than can catch mice

used to suggest that one should not keep more resources, tools, or employees than are necessary to accomplish a task or objective, as it can be wasteful and inefficient

there is measure in all things

used to emphasize that moderation and balance are important in all aspects of life

هناك قياس في كل شيء

هناك قياس في كل شيء

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eat to live, not live to eat

used to emphasize the importance of moderation in eating and treating food as fuel for the body rather than a source of constant pleasure or comfort

أكل العيش لا يعيش ليأكل

أكل العيش لا يعيش ليأكل

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little and often fills the purse

used to advise that consistent, small efforts can lead to significant results over time, as regular small savings can accumulate to create a considerable amount of wealth

القليل وغالباً ما يملأ المحفظة

القليل وغالباً ما يملأ المحفظة

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life is hard by the yard, but by the inch life is a cinch

used to suggest that when faced with difficult tasks or challenges, it is easier to tackle them in small, manageable steps rather than trying to handle everything at once

moderation in all things

used to imply that excess or deficiency in any area can lead to negative consequences, and that finding a proper balance is the key to a healthy and fulfilling life

الاعتدال في كل شيء

الاعتدال في كل شيء

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meat and mass never hindered man

used to imply that it is possible to find a balance between satisfying material needs and nurturing one's spiritual or emotional well-being

اللحوم والكتلة لم تعيق الإنسان أبدًا

اللحوم والكتلة لم تعيق الإنسان أبدًا

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all work and no play makes Jack (become) a dull boy

used to suggest that if someone only focuses on work and does not take time for leisure activities or enjoyment, they will become boring, uninteresting, and unhappy

كل العمل وعدم اللعب يجعل جاك يصبح فتى مملًا

كل العمل وعدم اللعب يجعل جاك يصبح فتى مملًا

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