صفات العلاقات - صفات علم الأحياء
تتعلق هذه الصفات بمجال علم الأحياء الذي يشمل دراسة الكائنات الحية وبنيتها ووظيفتها وسلوكها وما إلى ذلك.
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
relating to processes and behaviors involved in the creation of offspring within a species

تناسلي, تناسلية

relating to the chemical processes that occur within a living organism to maintain life


concerning or involving the study of plants, their structure, genetics, classification, etc.

نباتي, متعلق بالنباتات

relating to a carbon-based compound that has a biological origin

عضوي, مرتبط بالمركبات العضوية

relating to or characteristic of fungi, which are a diverse group of organisms including molds, mushrooms, and yeasts

فطري, قارّي

involving a mutually beneficial relationship between two different organisms

تبادلي, ذو علاقة رمزية

relating to mammals, animals that give birth to live young and nurse them with milk

ثديي, ثدييات

able to use sunlight to make food from carbon dioxide and water

فوتوسyntetic, قادر على التمثيل الضوئي

having characteristics associated with modern humans, including advanced cognitive abilities and complex social structures

سانيون, إنسان حديث

relating to reptiles, which are cold-blooded animals with scaly skin and usually lay eggs

زاحفى, زواحفى

relating to organisms that live on or inside other organisms, benefiting at the expense of their hosts


relating to or made from herbs, which are plants valued for their medicinal, aromatic, or culinary properties

عشبي, مصنوع من الأعشاب

related to the connection between animals, plants, and humans and their environment

بيئي, إيكولوجي

relating to a large mass of compressed ice like those near the poles or on mountains

جليدي, ثلجي

connected to the parts of the DNA in cells, called genes, that determine hereditary traits

وراثي, جيني

not possessing the characteristics or properties associated with living organisms

غير عضوي

relating to or characteristic of mitochondria, which are organelles found in cells responsible for energy production

الميتوكوندري, متعلق بالميتوكوندريا

relating to the complete set of genes or genetic material present in an organism

جينومي, متعلق بالجينوم