Pokročilá Slovní Zásoba pro GRE - To se mi líbí a nelíbí
Zde se naučíte některá anglická slovíčka o tom, co se vám líbí a nelíbí, jako je "částečný", "abhor", "horlivost" atd., která jsou potřebná ke zkoušce GRE.
easy to approach, and pleasant to talk to
přívětivý, společenský
showing or having a likable, pleasant, and friendly personality
příjemný, laskavý
so in love with someone or something that prevents one from thinking properly
zblázněný, okouzlený
lacking interest or emotional involvement
odtažitý, nezávislý
having a strong liking or admiration for something
zamilovaný, okouzlený
(of ideas and suggestions) pleasing and acceptable
přijatelný, chuťový
liking someone or something, or having an interest in them
částečný, oblíbený
unwilling to do something due to a lack of will, motivation, or consent
neochotný, neochotně
filled with strong emotions and being passionate especially when it comes to sexual love
vášnivý, rozsáhlý
not expected, normally inconvenient or unpleasant
nepříznivý, nečekaný
to hate a behavior or way of thought, believing that it is morally wrong
opovrhovat, hnusit
to provoke and anger someone so much that they start to hate and oppose one
antagonizovat, provokovat
to hold or display extreme hatred toward something or someone
proklínat, nenávidět
words or feelings that are filled with anger or bitterness
znaménka, rozzlobení
readiness or willingness that is quick and enthusiastic
ochota, bylost
something that is gravely hated and disapproved of
anathema, kletba
strong hostility, opposition, or anger
nepřátelství, animosita
a strong feeling of hatred, opposition, or hostility
antipatie, nechuť
a prejudice, bitter, and hostile attitude or state
předsudek, nepřátelství
someone who dislikes, distrusts, or hates other human beings
a strong tendency to do something or a fondness for something
sklon, náklonnost
the activity of helping people, particularly financially
the establishment of harmony and friendly relations between two groups or countries after a period of ill relations
to get angry or feel upset, particularly because of being insulted
a great enthusiasm directed toward achieving something
zeal, horlivost