Erweiterter Wortschatz für den GRE - Vorlieben und Abneigungen
Hier lernen Sie einige englische Wörter über Vorlieben und Abneigungen, wie „partial“, „abhor“, „zeal“ usw., die für die GRE-Prüfung benötigt werden.
showing or having a likable, pleasant, and friendly personality

freundlich, umgänglich

so in love with someone or something that prevents one from thinking properly

verliebt, besessen

liking someone or something, or having an interest in them

eine Vorliebe für jdn/etw haben
unwilling to do something due to a lack of will, motivation, or consent

widerwillig, unwillig

filled with strong emotions and being passionate especially when it comes to sexual love

glühend, leidenschaftlich

to hate a behavior or way of thought, believing that it is morally wrong

abscheuen, verabscheuen

to provoke and anger someone so much that they start to hate and oppose one

antagonisieren, provozieren

the establishment of harmony and friendly relations between two groups or countries after a period of ill relations
