Kniha Solutions - Předstředně pokročilý - Jednotka 4 - 4C
Zde najdete slovní zásobu z Unit 4 - 4C v učebnici Solutions Pre-Intermediate, jako je "lavina", "hladomor", "epidemie" atd.
any destruction caused by the nature that results in a great amount of damage or the death of many, such as an earthquake, flood, etc.
přirozená katastrofa, přírodní katastrofa
a long period of time when there is not much raining
sucho, nedostatek srážek
the sudden movement and shaking of the earth's surface, usually causing damage
the rapid spread of an infectious disease within a specific population, community, or region, affecting a significant number of individuals at the same time
epidemie, rozšíření epidemie
a situation where there is not enough food that causes hunger and death
hladomor, nedostatek potravin
the rising of a body of water that covers dry places and causes damage
povodeň, záplava
an uncontrolled and destructive fire that occurs in a forest or other wooded area
lesní požár, požár v lese
a large amount of mud and other materials that quickly moves down a hill, usually triggered by heavy rain or earthquake
půdní smyk, plesnivění
a strong and dangerous type of wind, which is formed like a turning cone, usually causing damage
a very high wave or series of waves caused by an undersea earthquake or volcanic eruption
the sudden release of lava, gases, and ash from a volcano
sopečný výbuch, sopečné vřídlo