Řešení – středně pokročilá - Jednotka 6 - 6E
Zde najdete slovní zásobu z lekce 6 - 6E v učebnici Solutions Intermediate, jako „take after“, „count on“, „bring up“ atd.
to take care of someone or something and attend to their needs, well-being, or safety
starat se o
to regard someone or something as inferior or unworthy of respect or consideration
povrchně se dívat na
to try to find information in a dictionary, computer, etc.
to have a great deal of respect, admiration, or esteem for someone
to invite someone on a date, particularly a romantic one
pozvat na rande
to make something appear or start to happen, as if by magic or a sudden command
to discover, meet, or find someone or something by accident
narazit na
to stop trying when faced with failures or difficulties
vzdát se
to choose someone as an example and follow their behavior or choices
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