Kniha English Result - Středně pokročilý - Jednotka 7 - 7B
Zde najdete slovní zásobu z lekce 7 - 7B v učebnici English Result Intermediate, jako je "clean-shaven", "loose-fitting", "well-off" atd.
(of a man) with a recently shaved beard or moustache
holý, oholený
aware of the latest fashion trends and tending to dress accordingly
fashion-conscious, módní
possessing an attractive and pleasing appearance
pohledný, atraktivní
(of clothing) large, comfortable, and not fitting the body closely
volný, široký
no longer used, supported, etc. by the general public, typically belonging to an earlier period in history
zastaralý, staromódní
wearing clothes that are stylish or expensive
dobře oblečený, stylový
socially correct in behavior
dobře vychovaný, zdvořilý
having enough money to cover one's expenses and maintain a desirable lifestyle
majetný, zámožný