Cartea English Result - Intermediar - Unitatea 7 - 7B
Aici veți găsi vocabularul din Unitatea 7 - 7B din manualul de cursuri de limba engleză pentru rezultate intermediare, cum ar fi „clean-shaven”, „loose-fitting”, „well-off”, etc.
Fișe de studiu
(of a man) with a recently shaved beard or moustache
ras, fără barbă
aware of the latest fashion trends and tending to dress accordingly
conștient de modă, la modă
possessing an attractive and pleasing appearance
atractiv, frumos
(of clothing) large, comfortable, and not fitting the body closely
săltos, larg
no longer used, supported, etc. by the general public, typically belonging to an earlier period in history
îmbătrânit, de modă veche
wearing clothes that are stylish or expensive
bine îmbrăcat, elegant
having enough money to cover one's expenses and maintain a desirable lifestyle
înstărit, bogat