
Umění Scény - Druhy múzických umění

Zde se naučíte několik anglických slov souvisejících s druhy divadelních umění, jako je „loutkoherectví“, „cirkus“ a „opera“.









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Words Related to Performing Arts

a series of rhythmical movements performed to a particular type of music



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a series of sounds made by instruments or voices, arranged in a way that is pleasant to listen to



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special moves such as walking on a tight rope, swinging in the air using certain equipment, etc.

akrobatika, akrobatické kousky

akrobatika, akrobatické kousky

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a form of entertainment that typically involves skilled performers, animals, and various acts and attractions, often presented in a large tent or arena



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stand-up comedy

a form of comedic performance where a comedian delivers jokes and humorous observations to an audience while standing on a stage

stand-up komedie, komedie ve stoje

stand-up komedie, komedie ve stoje

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the art of performing tricks and illusions that defy natural laws, creating a sense of wonder and astonishment in those unwary of the tricks



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the art of manipulating puppets to tell stories, entertain, or convey messages in performances

loutkářství, umění loutek

loutkářství, umění loutek

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variety show

a diverse entertainment program featuring different acts like comedy, music, dance, and guest appearances

zábavný pořad, varieté

zábavný pořad, varieté

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endurance art

a form of artistic expression where an artist challenges their limits over an extended period of time, often exploring concepts of time, endurance, and human experience

umění vytrvalosti, umění odolnosti

umění vytrvalosti, umění odolnosti

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the art or practice of speaking or performing without moving the lips, typically with the aid of a dummy or puppet to create the illusion of a separate voice



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son et lumiere

a multimedia performance combining sound and light elements to create a synchronized and immersive experience, often projected onto buildings or monuments

zvuk a světlo, představení zvuku a světla

zvuk a světlo, představení zvuku a světla

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road show

a traveling event or series of presentations held in different locations to showcase products, services, performances, or ideas to a wide audience

cestovní představení, roadshow

cestovní představení, roadshow

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minstrel show

a type of American entertainment featuring performers in blackface, portraying caricatured African American stereotypes through song, dance, and comedy

minstrelské představení, minstrelská show

minstrelské představení, minstrelská show

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a play in verse including music and dancing by masked performers that was very popular among the aristocracy in England during the 16th and 17th centuries

masque, masqueráda

masque, masqueráda

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light show

a visually captivating performance featuring dynamic lighting effects, often synchronized with music or entertainment, to engage and entertain audiences

světelná show, světelná podívaná

světelná show, světelná podívaná

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ice show

a dynamic live performance featuring skilled ice skaters executing choreographed routines and stunts on ice, often accompanied by music

ledové představení, show na ledu

ledové představení, show na ledu

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galanty show

a theatrical performance that utilizes silhouettes and shadow puppets to tell stories or convey artistic expression, often accompanied by music or narration

stínové divadlo, představení siluet

stínové divadlo, představení siluet

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the art or profession of writing, producing, directing, or acting in plays

divadlo, drama

divadlo, drama

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shadow puppetry

a form of puppetry in which flat figures are held between a light source and a screen, creating shadows that are projected onto the screen and appear to move and interact with each other

stínové divadlo, stínové loutky

stínové divadlo, stínové loutky

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the art of performing impressive and visually appealing movements and flourishes with a deck of playing cards, often characterized by smooth and intricate hand manipulations

cardistry, umění manipulace s kartami

cardistry, umění manipulace s kartami

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a genre of music and theater that combines singing, acting, and orchestral accompaniment to convey dramatic stories



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