Obecná Příprava na IELTS (Pásmo 5 a Nižší) - Názory
Zde se naučíte některá anglická slova související s Opinions, která jsou nezbytná pro zkoušku General Training IELTS.
to express your annoyance, unhappiness, or dissatisfaction about something

stěžovat si, reptat

to strongly disagree with a policy, plan, idea, etc. and try to prevent or change it

odporovat, protižen

to show disagreement by taking action or expressing it verbally, particularly in public

protestovat, odporovat

to strongly and publicly disapprove of something or someone

odsoudit, nepodporovat

to say or feel that someone or something is responsible for a mistake or problem

obvinit, vinit

to feel that someone or something is good, enjoyable, or interesting

mít rád, líbit se

to calculate or judge the quality, value, significance, or effectiveness of something or someone

hodnotit, vyhodnocovat

to agree with the truth of something, particularly in an unwilling manner

přiznat, uznat

to show or say that something is the case, particularly by providing proof

potvrdit, ověřit