Reichtum und Erfolg - Fülle und Reichtum
Entdecken Sie, wie englische Sprichwörter wie „ein goldener Schlüssel kann jede Tür öffnen“ und „Reichtümer haben Flügel“ auf Englisch Fülle und Reichtum darstellen.
used to imply that possessing wealth can provide people with significant advantages, influence, and control over others or situations
Geld ist Macht
used to highlight the power and influence of financial resources, as it can be used to influence or persuade people to act in a certain way or to achieve a desired outcome
used to suggest that the value of money is not affected by the way it is obtained or used
Geld hat keinen Geruch
used to suggest that accumulating wealth is not enough, and that one must put it to use in order to achieve positive outcomes, emphasizing the importance of using financial resources effectively
Geld wie Mist nützt nichts, bis es ausgestreut wird
used to imply that the love of money or excessive focus on wealth can lead to immoral or harmful actions
Geldliebe ist die Wurzel allen Übels
used to suggest that wealth or privilege can provide access to opportunities and success, implying that having resources and connections can be a significant advantage in achieving one's goals
Ein goldener Schlüssel kann jede Tür öffnen
used to convey the idea that having a significant fortune or immense wealth can often result in a loss of freedom, as it comes with numerous obligations, responsibilities, and dependencies
Ein großes Vermögen ist auch eine große Sklaverei
used to imply that when two forms of money are in circulation, one of higher value and one of lower value, people tend to hoard or use the money of lower value while spending or getting rid of the money of higher value
Schlechtes Geld verdrängt Gutes
used to imply that while beauty can be influential, money holds greater power and control over people and situations
Schönheit ist mächtig, aber Geld ist allmächtig
used to imply that success in life is often easier to achieve for those who have access to favorable circumstances, such as wealth or opportunity
Er tanzt gut, wem das Glück zuteil wird
used to suggest that wealth or financial resources play a significant role in the success or stability of a marriage
Geld macht die Ehe
used to suggest that if one already has money or financial resources, it becomes easier to make more money through investments, business ventures, or other means
Geld macht Geld
used to suggest that in order to obtain something, one must be prepared to pay or work for it, as nothing in life comes for free
kein Pfennig, kein Paternoster
used to imply that a person in charge of financial resources may be tempted to use them for personal gain and could potentially benefit financially as a result
Wer mit Honig umgeht, leckt sich die Finger
used to imply that people who are wealthy or have a lot of money are often surrounded by many friends and acquaintances who seek to benefit from their wealth
Reichtum zieht viele Freunde an
used to suggest that having a lot of money or financial security can relieve worries and bring happiness and peace of mind
used to suggest that finding an easy way to make money is a smarter choice than working hard
Nur Narren und Pferde funktionieren
used to imply that having money or wealth can open up opportunities for further financial gain, such as through investment or other financial ventures
Geld erzeugt Geld
used to suggest that wealth can be a source of power and influence, and that those who possess it may be more willing to share their thoughts or ideas with others
Ein voller Geldbeutel bringt den Mund zum Sprechen
used to imply that wealth or money can be easily lost, emphasizing that financial success is not a guarantee of long-term security and that people should be careful with their money
Reichtum hat Flügel