B2-Wortliste - Change
Hier lernen Sie einige englische Wörter zum Thema Veränderung, wie „enhance“, „decline“, „contribute“ usw., vorbereitet für B2-Lernende.
to serve as the reason for a particular occurrence or outcome

für etw der Grund sein
to increase or improve the progress, growth, or success of something

steigern, verbessern

to be one of the causes or reasons that helps something happen

beitragen, mitwirken

someone or something's role in achieving a specific result, particularly a positive one

Beitrag, Mitwirkung

to better or increase someone or something's quality, strength, value, etc.

verbessern, steigern

to extend or move something in one direction without any bends or curves

richten, gerade machen

an increase in the amount, size, importance, or degree of something

Expansion, Vergrößerung

a way, system, object, etc. through which one can achieve a goal or accomplish a task

in a manner that is gradually growing in degree, extent, or frequency over time

zunehmend, immer mehr

in a manner that is important or large enough to be noticed or effective

to fill someone with the desire or motivation to do something, especially something creative or positive
