Listă de Cuvinte Nivel B2 - Change
Aici veți învăța câteva cuvinte în limba engleză despre schimbare, cum ar fi „îmbunătățirea”, „declinul”, „contribuirea”, etc., pregătite pentru cursanții B2.
Fișe de studiu
someone or something's role in achieving a specific result, particularly a positive one
to better or increase someone or something's quality, strength, value, etc.
to extend or move something in one direction without any bends or curves
to make minor changes to something so that it is more suitable or better
an increase in the amount, size, importance, or degree of something
a way, system, object, etc. through which one can achieve a goal or accomplish a task
a thing or person resulted from something particular
in a manner that is gradually growing in degree, extent, or frequency over time
in a manner that is important or large enough to be noticed or effective
semnificativ,în mod semnificativ
used to introduce a result based on the information or actions that came before
to give someone the needed confidence, passion, or encouragement in order for them to do something well
the initial stage or place in which a significant event or activity happens or starts