Βιβλίο Summit 1B - Ενότητα 6 - Προεπισκόπηση
Εδώ θα βρείτε το λεξιλόγιο από την Ενότητα 6 - Προεπισκόπηση στο βιβλίο μαθημάτων Summit 1B, όπως "ασπόνδυλο", "αμφίβιο", "ανεξάρτητο" κ.λπ.
a living thing, like a cat or a dog, that can move and needs food to stay alive, but not a plant or a human
species that do not possess or cannot develop a spinal column, such as an arthropod, mollusk, etc.
a small creature that spins webs to catch insects for food, with eight legs and two fangs by which poison is injected to its prey
a class of animals to which crocodiles, lizards, etc. belong, characterized by having cold blood and scaly skin
a large reptile with very big jaws, sharp teeth, short legs, and a hard skin and long tail that lives in rivers and lakes in warmer regions
a group of animals with a long body and tail, a rough skin and two pairs of short legs
any cold-blooded animal with the ability to live both on land and in water, such as toads, frogs, etc.
any ground-dwelling amphibian with a long body and tail that has a soft moist skin
a small green animal with smooth skin, long legs for jumping and no tail, that lives both in water and on land
a long and thin freshwater or marine fish that is like a snake, sometimes eaten as food
a tropical bird with bright colors and a curved beak that can be trained to mimic human speech
a class of animals to which humans, cows, lions, etc. belong, have warm blood, fur or hair and typically produce milk to feed their young
an animal that is large, has a tail and four legs, and we use for racing, pulling carriages, riding, etc.
a powerful and large animal that is from the cat family and mostly found in Africa, with the male having a large mane
an animal that is very large, has thick gray skin, four legs, a very long nose that is called a trunk, and mostly lives in Asia and Africa
a playful and intelligent animal that has a long tail and usually lives in trees and warm countries
a small animal that lives in fields or houses, and often has fur, a long furless thin tail, and a pointed nose
an animal with a tail and four legs that we keep as a pet and is famous for its sense of loyalty
(of a person) putting in a lot of effort and dedication to achieve goals or complete tasks