
Animales - Verbos Relacionados con los Animales

Aquí aprenderás algunos verbos en inglés relacionados con los animales.




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Words Related to Animals
to graze

(of sheep, cows, etc.) to feed on the grass in a field



to hunt

to pursue and capture or kill other animals as a means of securing food or defending territory

cazar, perseguir

cazar, perseguir

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to dive

(of an aircraft or a bird) to descend steeply in the air

caer en picado

caer en picado

to molt

(of animals or birds) to lose hair, feathers, etc. temporarily before they grow back



to hibernate

(of some animals or plants) to spend the winter sleeping deeply



to migrate

(of fish, birds, or other animals) to move to different geographic areas according to seasons in order to breed, find food, or escape harsh environmental conditions



to swim

to move through water by moving parts of the body, typically arms and legs



to perch

(of a bird) to land and rest on something, such as a branch, bar, etc.



to nuzzle

to root out something with the snout

husmear, frotar

husmear, frotar

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to hover

(of a bird, aircraft, etc.) to remain at one place in midair



to domesticate

to change wild animals or plants for human use or cultivation



to feed

(of an animal or baby) to take or eat food

alimentarse de

alimentarse de

to sing

(of birds) to make high-pitched and pleasing sounds

cantar, canción

cantar, canción

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to camouflage

to make or become undetectable by resembling the color or shape of a surrounding



to stroke

to rub gently or caress an animal's fur or hair



to peck

(of a bird) to move the beak in a sudden movement and bite something



to stalk

to move stealthily or quietly towards prey or a target, typically in a deliberate and calculated manner

acechar, seguir sigilosamente

acechar, seguir sigilosamente

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to sting

(of an animal or insect) to pierce the skin of another animal or a human, typically injecting poison, either in self-defense or while preying



to bite

to cut into flesh, food, etc. using the teeth



to soar

to go higher while flying



to slither

to move smoothly and quietly, like a snake



to chase

to follow a person or thing and see where they go, often for the purpose of catching them

perseguir, cazar

perseguir, cazar

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to hop

(of a bird or an animal) to move forward by jumping on all feet



to bristle

to react or respond with anger, irritation, or indignation, often by stiffening or erecting hairs or bristles on the body



to buck

(of a horse) to leap or jump with its back arched, typically in an attempt to throw off a rider or in a show of resistance

rebufo, cabalgar

rebufo, cabalgar

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to spin

to twist or pull fibers together to form a continuous thread or yarn

hilar, torcer

hilar, torcer

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to swarm

to gather or travel to a place in large, dense groups

inundar, aglomerarse

inundar, aglomerarse

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to pollinate

to deposit pollen on a plant or flower so that it can produce new seeds or fruit



to warble

(of a bird) to produce a melodious, trilling, or warbling song with a series of varying notes and pitches

trinar, gorgosear

trinar, gorgosear

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to preen

to groom oneself or another individual by straightening and cleaning the feathers or fur using the beak or tongue

asear, acicalar

asear, acicalar

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to nest

to build a nest or live in it



to slough

to shed or cast off of old skin, scales, feathers, or horns, typically as part of a natural growth



to scent

to track something using one's sense of smell, typically performed by animals to locate food, identify potential threats, or find mates

oler, rastrear

oler, rastrear

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to scavenge

to search for and consume decaying or dead organic matter as a source of food, often done by animals

desenterrar, forrajear

desenterrar, forrajear

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to prey on

to hunt, capture, and eat other animals as a means of survival

cazar, depredar

cazar, depredar

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to rear

to stand or rise onto the back legs, usually referring to animals

rearing, erguirse

rearing, erguirse

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to paw

to use the front feet in a repetitive and scratching motion, often done by animals to express eagerness, curiosity, or frustration

rascar, arañar

rascar, arañar

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to overwinter

to pass, endure, or spend the winter season

invernar, pasar el invierno

invernar, pasar el invierno

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to feed on

to regularly eat a specific type of food to stay alive and grow

alimentarse de, nutrirse de

alimentarse de, nutrirse de

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to beach

to cause a marine animal to come onto shore or land, either intentionally or unintentionally

Naufragar, Atraer a la orilla

Naufragar, Atraer a la orilla

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to frisk

to move about in a lively and playful way, usually by jumping or running, as seen in the behavior of young or excited animals

saltar, jugar

saltar, jugar

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to frolic

to play or engage in lively, joyful, and often energetic or spontaneous activities

gambetear, divertirse

gambetear, divertirse

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to ruffle

to shake, fluff up, or disarrange the feathers of a bird, either as a sign of agitation, aggression, or fear, or as a part of their natural grooming behavior

despeinar, alborotar

despeinar, alborotar

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to spray

to expel a fine mist or stream of liquid or other substance from the body, often as a defense mechanism or as a way to mark territory or communicate with other animals

rociar, pulverizar

rociar, pulverizar

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to shy

to startle or suddenly move away from something or someone, often due to fear, timidity, or a desire to avoid contact or attention

espantar, retroceder

espantar, retroceder

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to scrabble

to scratch or scrape at something with the hands or claws, as if trying to dig or climb

rascar, arañar

rascar, arañar

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to root

to dig or search for something by using the snout, as done by certain animals like pigs

hurgar, remover

hurgar, remover

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to burrow

to dig a hole or tunnel into the ground or other surface to create a space for shelter or habitation

excavar, túnel

excavar, túnel

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to ruminate

to chew and regurgitate food, typically performed by ruminant animals such as cows and sheeps



to gallop

(of a horse, etc.) to ride as fast as possible



to trot

(of a horse or other animals) to move at a speed faster than a walk and slower than a canter



to browse

to feed on leaves, twigs, or other plant materials by nibbling or grazing, commonly done by animals such as deer or goats

ramonear, pastorear

ramonear, pastorear

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to lope

to bound or run with long, easy strides, often seen in animals such as horses, wolves, or gazelles

correr, saltar

correr, saltar

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to strut

to walk in a proud or self-assured manner, with the body held upright and the chest puffed out



to leap

to jump very high or over a long distance

saltar, brincar

saltar, brincar

to flit

to move quickly and lightly from somewhere or something to another

revolotear, moverse rápidamente

revolotear, moverse rápidamente

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to glide

to move smoothly and effortlessly through the air or on a surface with little or no propulsion

deslizarse, planear

deslizarse, planear

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to flutter

to move or flap rapidly and lightly, typically referring to the motion of wings, leaves, or other flexible objects

batir, fluctuar

batir, fluctuar

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to scamper

to run or move quickly and playfully with small, light steps

correr, galopear

correr, galopear

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to prowl

to move stealthily and with intent, especially by a predatory animal

merodear, acechar

merodear, acechar

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to bound

to leap or spring forward with energy and enthusiasm, often with all feet leaving the ground simultaneously

saltar, brincar

saltar, brincar

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to amble

to walk at a slow and leisurely pace, usually without any particular purpose or urgency

pasear, caminar despacio

pasear, caminar despacio

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to swoop

to quickly and unexpectedly attack a group or place to surround and capture them

swoop, atacar

swoop, atacar

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to waddle

to walk with short, clumsy steps and a swaying motion from side to side, typically as a result of being overweight or having short legs

caminar con un vaivén, moverse de lado a lado al caminar

caminar con un vaivén, moverse de lado a lado al caminar

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to charge

to attack violently and suddenly in a battle

cargar contra, embestir, atacar

cargar contra, embestir, atacar

to fly

to move or travel through the air



to crawl

to move slowly with the body near the ground or on the hands and knees



to lumber

to move in a slow, heavy, and awkward manner, often due to the size or weight of the body or object being carried

moverse torpemente, avanzar pesadamente

moverse torpemente, avanzar pesadamente

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to swing

to move or make something move from one side to another while suspended

balancearse, oscilar

balancearse, oscilar

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