Animales - Animales Machos y Hembras
Aquí aprenderás algunas palabras en inglés relacionadas con animales machos y hembras.
Tarjetas de memoria
a female lion, typically smaller in size and lighter in weight than male lions, and is known for its hunting prowess


a male animal, often a horse, that is kept for breeding purposes

macho reproductor, stud

a fully grown and sexually mature female cat, capable of producing and raising kittens


a male bird with a large shiny colorful tail having eyelike patterns that can be raised for display

pavo real
an adult male horse which its sex organs are intact and is used in breeding

a male bee characterized by a thickset body and a larger head than the worker bee, whose primary role is to mate with a queen bee

zángano, abeja macho

a female tiger, typically recognized by her orange fur with black stripes and white underparts


a male swan which is typically larger than the female swan and has a more prominent black protuberance at the base of its bill

cob, cisne macho

a female cat with distinctive coat patterns characterized by stripes, dots, or swirling patterns

atigrada, gata atigrada

a female leopard known for its agile and graceful movements, distinctive spots, and ferocious hunting abilities


a female ruff characterized by a distinctive collar of feathers around the neck during breeding season

reu, gavilán hembra

a female swan distinguished from the male swan by being smaller in size and having less prominent black knob on the beak

hembra de cisne

a male ferret that has been neutered, and the term is also used to refer to an adult male ferret that has not been neutered

hob, ferret macho