Apariencia - Grasa corporal
Aquí aprenderá algunas palabras en inglés relacionadas con la grasa corporal, como "llantitas", "papada" y "barriga cervecera".
Tarjetas de memoria
the extra mass of fat on each side of a person's waist

rollos, michelines, llantas
the enlarged abdomen caused by the accumulation of fat, often associated with frequent beer consumption

barriga cervecera, panza de cerveza
the plumpness or chubbiness of a child's body, usually in the form of excess body fat that is commonly seen in infants and young children.

grasa infantil, gordura de bebé

the weight gain that typically occurs during pregnancy and is often retained by a woman after giving birth

peso del bebé, peso asociado al embarazo

a person's leg in which the calf and ankle appear to have little or no differentiation, giving the appearance of a single cylindrical shape

pantorrilla, tobillo

a condition where the skin on certain parts of the body appears dimpled or lumpy, caused by underlying fat deposits and connective tissue


an excess of fat or skin that causes a fold or second layer to form under the chin, creating the appearance of two chins

papada, doble mentón

a substance taken from animals or plants and then processed so that it can be used in cooking

soft, sagging body fat that typically hangs or sags, often in areas like the arms, legs, abdomen, or buttocks

grasa, flacidez

the gradual increase in body fat that many people experience as they enter middle age, particularly around the waist and hips

aumento de peso de mediana edad, expansión de la cintura

the appearance of male breasts that resemble those of a woman due to excessive fat deposits in the chest area

senos masculinos, mamas masculinas

a protruding belly caused by excess fat or lack of muscle tone in the abdominal area

barriga, pancita