El libro Total English - Avanzado - Unidad 2 - Lección 3
Aquí encontrará el vocabulario de la Unidad 2 - Lección 3 del libro de curso Total English Advanced, como "rundown", "vast", "tranquil", etc.
Tarjetas de memoria
(of a place or environment) full of activity, energy, and excitement, often with a lot of people moving around and engaged in various tasks or social interactions
bullicioso, ajetreado
(of a place or building) in a very poor condition, often due to negligence
very beautiful, attractive, or impressive
impresionante, imponente
remaining in a natural or original state without any alteration, damage, or decay
virgen, intacto
describing two or more things that are positioned next to each other
lado a lado, uno al lado del otro
feeling calm and peaceful, without any disturbances or things that might be upsetting
in a place that is very far from where people usually go to
densely filled or crowded with people or things
abarrotado, lleno