
Riqueza y Éxito - Materialismo

Explore los proverbios ingleses sobre el materialismo con dichos como "las cosas que posees terminan siendo tuyas" y "las mejores cosas de la vida son gratis".




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Wealth & Success
he that hath a full purse never wanted a friend

used to suggest that people who have wealth or resources are often able to attract and keep friends more easily

el que tiene la bolsa llena nunca quiso un amigo

el que tiene la bolsa llena nunca quiso un amigo

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a great dowry is a bed full of brambles

used to suggest that having a large dowry or focusing solely on material wealth in a marriage can lead to difficulties, challenges, or even unhappiness

una gran dote es un lecho lleno de zarzas

una gran dote es un lecho lleno de zarzas

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no man loves his fetters, be they made of gold

used to suggest that the pursuit of material wealth should not come at the expense of personal freedom or genuine happiness

Nadie ama sus grillos, aunque sean de oro.

Nadie ama sus grillos, aunque sean de oro.

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you cannot take it with you when you die

used to emphasize that material possessions are ultimately temporary and that focusing on relationships, experiences, and personal growth are more meaningful in the long run

No puedes llevártelo contigo cuando mueras.

No puedes llevártelo contigo cuando mueras.

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the best things in life are free

used to imply that the most valuable things in life, such as happiness and love, cannot be bought, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing experiences and relationships over wealth

las mejores cosas de la vida son gratis

las mejores cosas de la vida son gratis

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man does not live by bread alone

used to emphasize that in addition to basic necessities like food and shelter, people have emotional, social, and spiritual needs that must be fulfilled to live a happy life

Uno no vive solo de pan

Uno no vive solo de pan

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a moneyless man goes fast through the market

used to imply that without money to spend, one is not interested in the market, and so will not spend much time there

un hombre sin dinero va rápido por el mercado

un hombre sin dinero va rápido por el mercado

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money cannot buy happiness

used to imply that having a lot of money or material possessions does not necessarily lead to happiness or contentment in life

el dinero no puede comprar la felicidad

el dinero no puede comprar la felicidad

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the things you own end up owning you

used to imply that excessive attachment to material possessions can lead to a loss of personal freedom and control

las cosas que posees terminan siendo tuyas

las cosas que posees terminan siendo tuyas

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money is not everything

used to imply that personal happiness, health, relationships, and personal growth are more important than money, encouraging people to prioritize these values over financial success

El dinero no lo es todo

El dinero no lo es todo

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