a final and serious demand made by one person to another, which includes consequences if the demand is not met

واپسین هشدار
having the ability to cause damage or destruction, especially through chemical reactions

highly distinguished, admired, or well-known due to exceptional and outstanding characteristics or features

نامی, برجسته
to combine multiple individual bets into one larger bet, with the potential for a higher payout if all of the individual bets are successful

مبلغ اولیه یا برده را از طریق شرطبندی بیشتر کردن
to discuss the terms of an agreement with an opposing side, usually an enemy

مذاکره کردن, گفتگو کردن
to make someone familiar with a person or thing by introducing or providing information about them

آشنا کردن
to reluctantly accept something without protest

کورکورانه با چیزی موافقت کردن, تن دادن
having a strong desire or tendency to obtain, collect, or possess things, often material possessions

حریص, اکتساب کننده، طماع، زیادهخواه، زیادهطلب
to officially decide and declare in a law court that someone is not guilty of a crime

تبرئه کردن