(an event or meeting) to be closed or temporarily paused

(جلسه، مذاکره و...) تعطیل و به بعد موکول کردن
something added to another thing but not an essential part of it

ضمیمه, افزوده، الحاقی، فرعی
to present or give something, often with a sense of honor or generosity

اهداء کردن, بخشیدن

overly satisfied or content with one's current situation or achievements, often to the point of neglecting potential risks or improvements

ازخودراضی, عشرتطلب، تنآسا، خودخوشنود
used to refer to something happening earlier than expected or before the usual time

بهموقع, در اولین فرصت، صبح زود، زود، بههنگام
a person or team trying to win something in a contest, especially one with a strong chance of winning

حریف, ستیزنده، هماورد
an official representing a country's government in foreign relations

دیپلمات, سیاستمدار
related to the work of keeping or creating friendly relationships between countries

a person who has the power to rule over a kingdom or empire, especially someone who inherits this power

پادشاه, حاکم