Le livre Insight - Avancé - Unité 3 - 3D
Vous trouverez ici le vocabulaire de l'unité 3 - 3D du manuel de cours Insight Advanced, tel que « affaissement », « chute », « fluctuant », etc.
(of prices, shares, etc.) to abruptly and significantly increase
monter brusquement
to fall or move in a clumsy, uncontrolled manner, often rolling or turning over
chuter, faire une culbute
to sit, lean or fall heavily or suddenly, typically due to exhaustion, weakness, or lack of energy.
s'avachir, s'affaler
(of a price, amount, etc.) to increase suddenly and significantly
monter en flèche
occurring slowly and step-by-step over a long period of time
graduel, progressif
important or great enough to be noticed or have an impact
prone to unexpected and sudden changes, usually gets worse or dangerous