Persévérance - Leçons de vie
Explorez les proverbes anglais qui décrivent des leçons de vie avec des dictons comme « un enfant brûlé redoute le feu » et « une faute une fois niée est commise deux fois ».
used to emphasize that facing and overcoming difficult challenges can lead to greater strength and resilience
used to imply that negative experiences can leave a lasting impact on a person's behavior, leading them to be cautious and avoid similar situations in the future
un enfant brûlé craint le feu
used to imply that experience and skill are developed through facing challenges and adversities, not in easy or peaceful situations
les mers calmes ne font pas des marins habiles
used to imply that facing and overcoming challenges can be beneficial for personal growth
une dose d’adversité est souvent aussi nécessaire qu’une dose de médicament
used to suggest that denying a fault or refusing to admit a mistake can lead to repeating the same error
une faute une fois niée est commise deux fois
used to emphasize that leading by example is a more effective way of influencing others' behavior than simply preaching to them
un bon exemple est le meilleur sermon
used to imply that going through difficult or challenging situations can provide valuable lessons and insights, ultimately contributing to the development of wisdom and maturity
l'adversité et la perte rendent un homme sage
used to imply that difficult experiences can be valuable opportunities for personal growth and learning
l'adversité est un grand maître d'école
used to highlight the idea that even in times of significant loss or adversity, there is often a hidden opportunity or benefit that can be gained from the experience
il n'y a pas de grande perte sans gain