Verbes d'Action Verbale - Verbes pour la communication
Ici, vous apprendrez quelques verbes anglais faisant référence à la communication tels que "speak", "chat" et "interview".
to have a casual and light conversation without sharing a lot of information

converser, bavarder

to share an idea with someone and get their thoughts or opinions

évoquer, discuter

to speak formally and at length, especially in a public setting

discourir, faire un discours
to describe an event, experience, etc to someone in a detailed manner

raconter, narrer
to ask someone questions about a particular topic on the TV, radio, or for a newspaper

faire passer un entretien à
to talk in a brief and friendly way to someone, usually about unimportant things

discuter, bavarder

to talk quickly and a lot about unimportant and idiotic things

discuter à voix haute, parler de façon incessante