
أفعال العمل اللفظي - أفعال للتواصل

ستتعلم هنا بعض الأفعال الإنجليزية التي تشير إلى التواصل مثل "speak" و"chat" و"interview".




بطاقات الفلاش




اختبار قصير

ابدأ التعلم
Categorized English Verbs of Verbal Action
to speak

to use one's voice to express a particular feeling or thought

التحدث إلى شخص ما أو شيء ما

التحدث إلى شخص ما أو شيء ما

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to talk

to tell someone about the feelings or ideas that we have

تحدث عن أي شئ

تحدث عن أي شئ

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to tell

to use words and give someone information

to say

to use words and our voice to show what we are thinking or feeling

يقول شيئا

يقول شيئا

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to communicate

to exchange information, news, ideas, etc. with someone

التواصل مع شخص ما

التواصل مع شخص ما

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to address

to speak directly to a specific person or group

to get across

to clearly communicate an idea, plan, etc.

to converse

to engage in a conversation with someone



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to confabulate

to have a casual and light conversation without sharing a lot of information

إجراء محادثة قصيرة مع شخص ما

إجراء محادثة قصيرة مع شخص ما

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to bounce off

to share an idea with someone and get their thoughts or opinions

to come out with

to suddenly say something, especially in a rude or surprising way

قول شيء غير متوقع

قول شيء غير متوقع

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to narrate

to provide a spoken or written description of an event, story, etc.

to orate

to speak formally and at length, especially in a public setting

التحدث في الأماكن العامة

التحدث في الأماكن العامة

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to recount

to describe an event, experience, etc to someone in a detailed manner

وصف (حدث، تجربة، الخ.)

وصف (حدث، تجربة، الخ.)

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to interact

to communicate with others, particularly while spending time with them

to interview

to ask someone questions about a particular topic on the TV, radio, or for a newspaper

مقابلة شخص ما

مقابلة شخص ما

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to chat

to talk in a brief and friendly way to someone, usually about unimportant things

to gab

to chat casually for an extended period, often in a lively manner

التحدث بغزارة

التحدث بغزارة

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to natter

to have a casual conversations, often involving gossip

إجراء محادثة قصيرة مع شخص ما

إجراء محادثة قصيرة مع شخص ما

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to chatter

to talk quickly and a lot about unimportant and everyday things



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to chaffer

to engage in casual or idle conversation



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to prattle

to talk a lot about unimportant things and in a way that may seem foolish

التحدث مطولا وبسرعة

التحدث مطولا وبسرعة

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