boring and repetitive, often causing frustration or weariness due to a lack of variety or interest
क्लांत, संतोषजनक नहीं
the state of being wearied or bored due to repetitive or unchanging activities
उबाऊपन, एकरसता
determined, firm, and unwavering in one's beliefs, decisions, or actions
दृढ़, निश्चयवान
an official decision that is made, particularly when an official body takes a group vote
संकल्प, आधिकारिक निर्णय
characterized by letters that are joined in a flowing manner
झुका हुआ, संयोगी
done quickly with a lack of thoroughness or attention to details
सतही, जल्दी का
a technique used in speech and writing to exaggerate the extent of something
अतिशयोक्ति, विरोधाभास
prone to overly harsh judgments and unreasonably critical of small faults
हाइपरक्रिटिकल, अत्यधिक आलोचनात्मक
the feeling of discomfort in the stomach, often with the urge to vomit
उल्टी, मतली
to make someone feel very disgusted, often in a moral sense
घिन आना, उबकाई आना
a person of lower rank who serves or works under someone of higher authority
पराधीन, अधीनस्थ
to set different things next to each other for clear comparison or contrast
जुड़ना, सामना करना
the act of placing two things side by side to produce a contrasting effect
a condition when the tubes that carry air to one's lungs get infectious
a major airway in the respiratory system that branches off from the trachea and leads to the lungsea
a person whose job is to test people's eyes and sight or to make and supply glasses or contacts
ऑप्टिशियन, नेत्र विशेषग्य