to repudiate
to dismiss or reject something as false
अस्वीकृत करना, अवहेला करना
बंद करें
साइन इनfracas
a noisy fight or argument, which usually a lot of people take part in
गड़बड़, झगड़ा
बंद करें
साइन इनpodium
a structure used in sports competitions consisting of three adjacent platforms of different levels, on which winners stand to receive their awards
पोडियम, मंच
बंद करें
साइन इनpoetic
characterized by beauty, elegance, or emotional depth similar to what is often found in poetry
कवित्वमय, कवियों सा
बंद करें
साइन इनtheocracy
a government where religious leaders are in charge and make the rules
बंद करें
साइन इनtheologian
a person who studies or specializes in theology and religious beliefs
धर्मशास्त्री, धर्मशास्त्री महिला
बंद करें
साइन इनLanGeek ऐप डाउनलोड करें