पुस्तक Four Corners 1 - इकाई 7 पाठ डी
यहां आपको फोर कॉर्नर 1 कोर्सबुक में यूनिट 7 पाठ डी की शब्दावली मिलेगी, जैसे "भोजन", "स्वादिष्ट", "पत्र", आदि।
समीक्षा करें
the food that we eat regularly during different times of day, such as breakfast, lunch, or dinner

भोजन, खाना

a written or printed message that is sent to someone or an organization, company, etc.

पत्र, लिखित संदेश

ice cream
a sweet and cold dessert that is made from a mixture of milk, cream, sugar, and various flavorings

आइसक्रीम, बर्फ का मीठा

a thick, sweet substance we make by boiling fruit with sugar and often eat on bread

जाम, मुरब्बा

green tea
a type of tea made from the leaves and buds of the tea plant, and it has a green color and a slightly bitter taste

हरी चाय, चाइनीज़ ग्रीन टी


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