अंतर्दृष्टि - उन्नत - यूनिट 8 - 8ए
यहां आपको इनसाइट एडवांस्ड कोर्सबुक में यूनिट 8 - 8ए की शब्दावली मिलेगी, जैसे "पिटफॉल", "कंजेस्टेड", "टैकल", आदि।
समीक्षा करें
capable of operating independently or functioning without the need for additional support or connection
an area where construction activities take place, involving the creation or renovation of structures
निर्माण स्थल
(often plural) a very poor and overpopulated area of a city or town in which the houses are not in good condition
a large building consisting of several apartments, particularly in a poor neighborhood
किरायादार भवन
(of a place) filled with many people, vehicles, or objects, leading to difficulties in movement
a road, street, or passage that provides a direct route or passage for vehicles, pedestrians, or both
the basic physical structures and systems that support and enable the functioning of a society or organization, such as roads and bridges
a system of pipes and facilities that collect and process dirty water and waste from buildings and house
नाले प्रणाली
a person or animal that resides in a particular place or habitat
a period of serious difficulty or danger that requires immediate action
a means of correcting or eliminating a problem, harm, or undesirable situation
an immediate solution that offers temporary relief or improvement to a problem without addressing the root cause
त्वरित समाधान
to try to deal with a difficult problem or situation in a determined manner
सामना करना