ACT परीक्षा के लिए साक्षरता - Support
यहां आप समर्थन से संबंधित कुछ अंग्रेजी शब्द सीखेंगे, जैसे "रिलायंस", "संरक्षक", "प्रमाणीकरण", आदि जो आपको अपने अधिनियमों में सफल होने में मदद करेंगे।
समीक्षा करें
to support, defend, or fight for a cause, principle, or person

समर्थन करना, विरुद्ध लड़ना

to provide someone with support, hope, or confidence

प्रोत्साहित करना, सहायता देना

to support or defend something that is believed to be right so it continues to last

समर्थन करना, रक्षा करना

to make someone want to do something by giving them a reason or encouragement

प्रेरित करना, उत्साहित करना

to provide a reason or encouragement that motivates someone to take action

प्रेरित करना, उत्साहित करना

to help something, such as a process or action, become possible or simpler

सुविधा देना, सहायता करना

to work with other people in order to achieve a common goal

सहयोग करना, संयुक्त कार्य करना

to cause something, such as an idea or information, to become widely known or spread

प्रसार करना, व्याप्त करना

to publicly state that one supports or approves someone or something

समर्थन करना, स्वीकृति देना

to work with someone else in order to create something or reach the same goal

सहयोग करना, साझा प्रयास करना

to support an opinion, argument, theory, etc. or to prove it's credibility

समर्थन करना, स्थिर रखना

to present or give something, often with a sense of honor or generosity

अर्पित करना, दान देना

to provide a gift or quality, to someone or something, often implying a permanent gift or quality

दान देना, संपत्ति प्रदान करना

to let someone have something, especially something that they have requested

अनुदान देना, अधिकार देना

to generously give or spend, especially on luxurious or extravagant things

लुटाना, व्यय करना

to allow oneself or someone else to enjoy something excessively, often without restraint

लाड़-प्यार करना, सुख भोगना

the act of providing financial support, food, etc. for a person or animal

संवर्धन, पालना

the act of bringing something back into active and noticeable existence or prominence

पुनरुत्थान, पुनःउत्थान

the act of bringing something back into active use, attention, or importance after a period of decline or obscurity

पुनरुद्धार, पुनर्जागरण

a special right, immunity or advantage that only a particular person or group has

विशेषाधिकार, लाभ

a supporter who usually speaks publicly in favor of a theory, idea, or plan

समर्थक, सपटिक

strong evidence or proof that supports something, emphasizing its validity or significance

गवाही, सबूत