
Könyv: Headway - Középhaladó - 1. egység

Itt találja a Headway előközépfokú tankönyv 1. részében szereplő szókészletet, például „utazás”, „tévedés”, „érdekes” stb.









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Headway - Pre-intermediate
to play

to take part in a game or activity for fun

játszani, részt venni

játszani, részt venni

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ice hockey

a game played on ice by two teams of 6 skaters who try to hit a hard rubber disc (a puck) into the other team’s goal, using long sticks

jégkorong, jég hoki

jégkorong, jég hoki

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to go

to travel or move from one location to another

menni, utazni

menni, utazni

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the activity or act of going from one place to another, particularly over a long distance

utazás, járat

utazás, járat

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to do

to perform an action that is not mentioned by name

csinálni, végezni

csinálni, végezni

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schoolwork that students have to do at home

házi feladat, iskolai munka

házi feladat, iskolai munka

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to make

to form, produce, or prepare something, by putting parts together or by combining materials

csinálni, készíteni

csinálni, készíteni

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an act or opinion that is wrong

hiba, tévedés

hiba, tévedés

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to speak

to use one's voice to express a particular feeling or thought

beszélni, kifejezni

beszélni, kifejezni

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the system of communication by spoken or written words, that the people of a particular country or region use

nyelv, beszéd

nyelv, beszéd

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to say

to use words and our voice to show what we are thinking or feeling

mondani, kifejezni

mondani, kifejezni

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to teach

to give lessons to students in a university, college, school, etc.

tanítani, oktatni

tanítani, oktatni

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to ride

to sit on open-spaced vehicles like motorcycles or bicycles and be in control of their movements

lovagolni, biciklizni

lovagolni, biciklizni

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to learn

to become knowledgeable or skilled in something by doing it, studying, or being taught

tanulni, ismereteket szerezni

tanulni, ismereteket szerezni

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to lend

to give someone something, like money, expecting them to give it back after a while

kölcsönadni, pénzt kölcsönözni

kölcsönadni, pénzt kölcsönözni

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to borrow

to use or take something belonging to someone else, with the idea of returning it

kölcsönözni, kérni

kölcsönözni, kérni

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having a lot of value

fontos, lényeges

fontos, lényeges

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having a very pleasant flavor

finom, ízletes

finom, ízletes

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having a relatively great vertical extent

magas, emelkedő

magas, emelkedő

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(of two points) having an above-average distance between them

hossú, hosszú

hossú, hosszú

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having a lot of weight and not easy to move or pick up

nehéz, súlyos

nehéz, súlyos

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having so many things to do in a way that leaves not much free time

elfoglalt, sűrű

elfoglalt, sűrű

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used to say where someone or something goes

-hoz, -ra

-hoz, -ra

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used for showing the place where a person or thing comes from

ból, tól

ból, tól

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used to show a particular place or position

ban, nál

ban, nál

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used to express the matters that relate to a specific person or thing

körül, a következő

körül, a következő

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used when stating one's opinion about someone or something

a, val

a, val

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used to show that an object is physically in contact with or attached to a surface or object

on, ben

on, ben

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at a point inside an area or thing

ban, ben

ban, ben

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used when two or more things or people are together in a single place

val, -val

val, -val

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used to indicate who is supposed to have or use something or where something is intended to be put

-nak/-nek, -ért

-nak/-nek, -ért

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located or directed toward the side of a human body where the heart is



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to leave

to go away from somewhere

elmenni, otthagyni

elmenni, otthagyni

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a group of people or things that have similar characteristics or share particular qualities

típus, fajta

típus, fajta

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friendly, nice, and caring toward other people's feelings

kedves, barátságos

kedves, barátságos

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a series of connected carriages that travel on a railroad, often pulled by a locomotive

vonat, kocsi

vonat, kocsi

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to train

to teach a specific skill or a type of behavior to a person or an animal through a combination of instruction and practice over a period of time

képzni, edzeni

képzni, edzeni

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to mean

to have a particular meaning or represent something

jelezni, érteni valamit

jelezni, érteni valamit

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having a feeling of curiosity or attention toward a particular thing or person because one likes them

érdeklődő, lelkes

érdeklődő, lelkes

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catching and keeping our attention because of being unusual, exciting, etc.

érdekes, lenyűgöző

érdekes, lenyűgöző

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feeling very happy, interested, and energetic

izgatott, lelkes

izgatott, lelkes

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making us feel interested, happy, and energetic

izgalmas, felvillanyító

izgalmas, felvillanyító

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feeling or showing shock or amazement

meglepett, elbűvölt

meglepett, elbűvölt

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causing a feeling of shock, disbelief, or wonder

meglepő, érdekes

meglepő, érdekes

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tired and unhappy because there is nothing to do or because we are no longer interested in something

unalmas, érdektelen

unalmas, érdektelen

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making us feel tired and unsatisfied because of not being interesting

unalmas, fárasztó

unalmas, fárasztó

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feeling ashamed and uncomfortable because of something that happened or was said

zavarban, kényelmetlen

zavarban, kényelmetlen

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causing a person to feel ashamed or uneasy

zavarbaejtő, ciklos

zavarbaejtő, ciklos

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